Proud to partner with the Sports Excellence Scholarship Fund to help young people pursue the sporting dreams

We are pleased to announce ACHPER Victoria (AV) and the Sports Excellence Scholarship Fund (SESF) have partnered to raise awareness among young Australians about the chance to pursue their sporting ambitions through SESF scholarships.

In collaboration with corporate, sports and philanthropy, SESF offers funding to families experiencing financial hardship to pay for the costs of having children representing their state or country in sport. 

The work undertaken by SESF aligns with AV’s vision to promote active and healthy lifestyles. AV works to achieve this through supporting and advocating for the highest quality health and physical education in our schools.

We look forward to working together to continue to raise awareness of the growth opportunities we both offer for teachers and students alike.

To keep informed of upcoming SESF opportunities, click here to sign up to their newsletter.