HPE Masterclass: 7-10 & VCE Teaching Biomechanics

In this Masterclass, Dr Stuart Evans will provide practical examples of biomechanics to support teacher confidence in designing learning and assessment that sparks curiosity and critical thinking in students. This workshop will complement planning for syllabus implementation and support the facilitation of dynamic learning experiences for students.

 Specifically, outcomes from this workshop will help HPE teachers:
•  Understand the principles behind linear, angular, and general motion, balance and stability, fluid mechanics and forces.
•  Understand the biomechanical principles when completing certain sporting movements. 
•  Suggest ways to train for improved efficiency and gain knowledge in how biomechanical principles can be used to enhance safe movements (for example, walking, squatting, and lifting.
•  Recognise the biomechanical principles used to increase movement efficiency (for example, movements to reduce injury).

Join Stuart as he explores the concepts and principles of biomechanics through purposeful and authentic game-based learning

Presenter: Dr Stuart Evans, La Trobe University, School of Education

60 minute presentation
15  minutes Q&A with the expert

Registration fees: ACHPER Members: $48  |  Non Members: $60

Location: Online virtual meeting  - The link to join online meeting will be sent with confirmation email. 

To receive the link to this event, you must make sure you click on the "Proceed to Checkout" button and the "Submit Order" button to complete your registration.

8/08/2024 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
Online Thursday 8th August

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