Connection Before Content: A Pathway to Well-Being

Join Mark Collard (Playmeo) as he leads a series of fun interactive games and activities that can easily be integrated into your existing curriculum to help your students feel valued, supported and included.

The science is in: educational programs that intentionally develop trusting & healthy relationships outperform all other curricula on so many levels - greater participation, improved academic performance, stronger communities & extremely happy students. This interactive Masterclass & discussion will explore the latest science and research that supports and encourages the intentional development of well-being as the central focus of group-based programs. 

Masterclass Outcomes:
1. Understand the meaning and science behind Connection Before Content. 
2. Learn how use fun games and activities to develop healthy and trusting relationships in your learning environments.  
3. Find out how to best leverage this approach seamlessly increase student motivation, participation and performance.  

Presenter: Mark Collard, Playmeo

Please submit any questions prior to this webinar event as part of the registration form.

Registration fees: ACHPER Members: Free for Members  |  Non Members: $60

Members must attend this webinar live on 04/09/2024 to receive access. Optimal learning occurs through in-person engagement; no recording will be available after the event.

Location: Online virtual meeting  - The link to join online meeting will be sent with confirmation email. 

To receive the link to this event, you must make sure you click on the "Proceed to Checkout" button and the "Submit Order" button to complete your registration.

4/09/2024 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
Online Wednesday 4th September

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