HPE Masterclass: VCE VET SR Exam Prep Webinar 2024

This teachers exam prep webinar will provide an overview of the key content, knowledge and skills in the VCE VET Sport and Recreation Unit 3 and 4 sequence. Tips and suggestions for tackling content and exam questions with your students will be provided. Strategies and resources to support student preparation for the VCAA exam will be discussed, and be considered for teacher planning and student revision.

No questions to be taken without notice. Please submit any questions prior to this webinar event as part of the registration form.

Presenters: Craig Seckold, Trinity Grammar

Registration fees: ACHPER Members: $48  |  Non Members: $60

Location: Online virtual meeting  - The link to join online meeting will be sent with confirmation email. 

To receive the link to this event, you must make sure you click on the "Proceed to Checkout" button and the "Submit Order" button to complete your registration.

15/08/2024 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
Online Thursday 15th August

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