Active Schools update: 2023 project real impacts infographic

The Active Schools Expert Support Service continues to make a positive impact on Victorian school students and with the 2023 funded schools well into their identified projects, the real impacts of this wonderful initiative are being realised and gratefully shared with our team of Physical Activity Advisors.

With schools taking up the challenge to be more 'active' both in and out of the classroom, positive changes in attendance, in-school behaviour and academic performance are being reported.

Click the infographic at right to download and check out some 'real impacts' from a metro primary and metro secondary school as a direct result of their Active Schools funding (opens in new tab).

We will also have a range of Active Schools sessions coming up at our Annual HPE Conference from 23-24 November. Click here to learn more and register today.

To learn more about Active Schools and read more of our stories, click here to head to the Online Community.