HPE Masterclass: New VCE HHD U1-4 Study Design in Action

This masterclass is tailored to support educators in mastering and applying the updated VCE® Health and Human Development (HHD) Study Design. Join Chris Clark from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA), alongside experienced HHD teachers, for a comprehensive overview of the new curriculum components and offer practical strategies for effective implementation.

Masterclass Outcomes:
• Deepen your understanding of the key changes in the VCE® HHD study design.
• Learn strategies for adapting planning and assessments to align with the new study design.
• Discover new resources to ensure a smooth transition and enhance student learning outcomes.

Presenters: Chris Clark - VCAA, Chrissy Collins - Huntingtower School , Alison Howard - Huntingtower School
Host: Leah Foley - ACHPER Victoria

60 minute presentation
15  minutes Q&A with the experts

Registration fees: ACHPER Members: $48  |  Non Members: $60

Location: Online virtual meeting  - The link to join online meeting will be sent with confirmation email. 

To receive the link to this event, you must make sure you click on the "Proceed to Checkout" button and the "Submit Order" button to complete your registration.

15/10/2024 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM
AUS Eastern Daylight Time
Online Tuesday 15th October

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