Our Governance

ACHPER Victoria is governed by a skills-based and representative Board with additional specialist portfolios. Their combined purpose is to provide ACHPER Victoria with strategic direction and rigorous corporate governance.

The Board acts proactively to drive the work of the organisation to meet current and future demands of our broader community and guide us to build the services and resources which enable all people to lead active and healthy lives. The Board also has the ultimate responsibility for the finances of the organisation and holds accountability for its ventures and actions.

Meet ACHPER Victoria's Board

Kate Simpson, MACHPER (President)
General Manager - Education, Sport and Club Development, Life Saving Victoria
Kate started her career and engagement with ACHPER as a physical education teacher before transitioning into the VET sector in program development. Kate is currently the General Manager – Education, Sport & Club Development at Life Saving Victoria (LSV), which sees her working across the emergency services, sport, education, health promotion and not-for-profit sectors.

Tony Goodwin, MACHPER (Vice President)
Former Principal Murtoa College
Tony has taught from Foundation through to year 12. His main teaching methods have been physical education, health, outdoor education and sport. Tony is a former school Principal of an F-12 college.

Peter Wright, FACHPER
Former Secondary School Principal and current board member of Sports Excellence Scholarship Fund (SESF).
Peter has been an active member and advocate of ACHPER and the HPE community for over 40 years. He commenced his career as a physical education teacher and retired after 8 years as Principal of Koonung Secondary College. Peter was a key contributor in the development of the HSC/VCE study designs from their initial adoption in 1991 and held the positions of Chief Examiner and Chief Moderator for Physical Education in the early years. He has continued to support curriculum delivery in HPE at years 9 and 10 as an author of the current text (in conjunction with ACHPER Vic), Quest for Good Health. Peter is a life member of School Sport Victoria and the SESF.

Dean Taylor, MACHPER
Secondary Teacher, Aitken College
Deputy Head of Secondary. Physical Education, Health and Science teacher.


Dr Jacqui Peters, MACHPER
Deakin University, Burwood
Jacqui's expertise is in the field of Health and Physical Education. She passionate about teaching and has a range of research interests including Health and Physical Education curriculum, assessment and policy, and the experiences of early career teachers.

Gen Dohrmann, GAICD
CEO, Table Tennis Victoria
Gen is a results-oriented leader with over a decade's experience in the sports industry. As CEO of Table Tennis Victoria, she leads a small team to govern, promote, encourage and improve table tennis in Victoria. A graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors course, Gen recently finished a full term on the Women Sport Australia Board, including three years as President, and sits on the Global Institute of Sport Asia-Pacific Region Advisory Board. Working as a sports administrator across a variety of sports, Gen has strong skills in the areas of marketing, communication, commercial, digital, event management and participation.

Pam's career includes diverse experience across a range of industries and sectors, with a clear theme of people, performance and training.  She brings over two decades of experience at both Board and senior executive level and is known for being practical, engaging and bringing passion to all that she does. Pam is an experienced and respected trainer, coach and facilitator with strong HR and project management skills.

Rebecca Sandlant, MACHPER 
Wyndham Central College
With over two decades of experience as a PE teacher, physical activity has always been a passion area for Rebecca, shaping her career trajectory and driving her commitment to promoting health and wellness. Rebecca has been the Sports Coordinator at Wyndham Central College for over 10 years, transitioning into an Assistant Principal role where community engagement is a key aspect of her portfolio.

Further information

Finance, Audit, Risk and Governance Portfolio

Chaired by Brendan Bailey, the Finance, Audit, Risk and Governance portfolio ensures key financial, risk, audit and governance matters are carefully reviewed and scrutinised prior to final Board overview. The portfolio is invaluable in closely managing organisational risk, from strategic to operational.

Meet ACHPER Victoria's Chair

Brendan Bailey, Head of Operations and Compliance – Responsible Investment Association Australia (RIAA).
Brendan has an extensive career which commenced in teaching but has successfully progressed to senior roles in community-focused and not for profit organisations including Berry Street, Sexual Health Victoria, the Australian Childhood Foundation as well as the RIAA. Brendan has a Masters Degree in Applied Positive Psychology, which combines with his extensive leadership and senior operational experience.

Click here to learn more about ACHPER Victoria, and should you require further information or have any questions, please contact our CEO Gillian Manson via email.