
ACHPER Victoria’s ongoing engagement with teachers, schools, and sport and recreation providers allows us to understand the complexities and dynamics of working in various contexts.

Whether you are a national, state or local sporting organisation, a health agency or promoter, or a business that offers a product, service or program you wish to embed within a school setting, our team can tailor a solution to suit your requirements. 

More than just a teaching association

ACHPER Victoria is a professional association working within the education sector to advocate for all Australians to live active and healthy lives by building and supporting knowledge within the whole community including students, parents, teachers, coaches and support staff.

The ACHPER Victoria Consulting team provides varying support to organisations within the health, physical and outdoor education, sport, recreation, and wellbeing spaces. Some examples include:
  • curriculum auditing and alignment
  • content development
  • market research and evaluation of studies
  • facilitation of focus groups
  • expert advice to leadership teams across sectors to enhance movement competency, learning and teaching skills, health outcomes, wellbeing, and sport deliverables.
Organisations we've recently worked with...

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