Introducing the new VCE® HHD Extended Response Guide

Many HHD teachers have been in contact with us asking for guidance on how to help their VCE HHD Units 3 and 4 students develop their skillset to respond to the extended response question on the end of year examination. 

You asked, and we heard you! In response to teacher-need, we are pleased to release the VCE® HHD Extended Response Guide.

Developed by expert VCE HHD teachers, this resource provides recommendations on how to teach this challenging question type to your students, provides a scaffold for how to build their confidence to tackle it, and four practice questions with marking advice to use with your class. 

A go-to resource to help your students gain valuable marks in their end of year exams.

To order your copy today, please click here to visit our shop >>
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need further help or have any questions.