Comprehensive wellbeing curriculum now available

The mental health and wellbeing of our students have never been more critical, and never have we been in more need of decisive action and clear strategies.

ACHPER Victoria is thrilled to introduce an educational revolution, Australia's first-of-its-kind wellbeing curriculum!

This pioneering initiative stems from a partnership we have developed with Readiness, a proven local wellbeing provider, to develop this scientifically based curriculum.

Together, we are poised to equip physical education teachers across the state to deliver the complete wellbeing curriculum to primary school students.

What sets this curriculum apart is its meticulously crafted learning pathways tailored for every primary level, fully aligning with both the Australian and Victorian curriculum. It includes a wealth of resources for students, teachers, and parents, recognising the vital role each plays in a child's educational journey.

Also included are regular student check-in surveys, which provides crucial data that can be used to identify students that require more intensive support.

Our primary goal is to arm students with the crucial skills and knowledge to safeguard their wellbeing, led by our dedicated Health and Physical Education teachers.

Case study: St Peter's Primary School

Read this case study to learn how St Peter's Primary School used Readiness as its key solution for delivering a successful wellbeing curriculum to their students.

ACHPER Victoria, in collaboration with Readiness, is proud to stand behind this comprehensive program and would love to see all schools get onboard.

For more information, head to the Readiness website >>