It’s time to celebrate HPE Day in 2022!

Celebrated this year on 7 September, Health & Physical Education (HPE) Day is a nationwide initiative highlighting the importance of HPE in the Australian Curriculum, and its influence on the lifelong learning and development of healthy behaviours in our children. The recurring theme ‘Good for Children, Good for Schools, Good for Communities’ is good for everyone!

The 2022 Active Healthy Kids Australia Report Card by the Australasian Society for Physical Activity (ASPA) and leading universities and research institutes across Australia highlighted Australia’s score for overall physical activity in 2022 is D-. This score remained largely unchanged from 2018 and signifies a general lack of improvement in Australia’s physical activity benchmarks.

Our score of D- means fewer than one quarter of Australian children are meeting the national guidelines for the recommended levels of daily physical activity needed for optimal health and wellbeing.

Schools and teachers play an ongoing and critical role in teaching Australian children the benefits of leading an active and healthy lifestyle. Along with parents, the community and government, we can help increase daily physical activity by ensuring quality HPE is being delivered into our primary and secondary schools, and encouraging lifelong habits outside of school.

Teachers and Principals from schools across Australia are encouraged to get involved by holding activities or events during the week or on the day itself to demonstrate how much they value this important part of the curriculum.

Head to the website to register your school’s participation today!

So how will you celebrate?
We'd love to hear how you’re planning to celebrate HPE Day at your school on 7 September! Share your ideas and check out some useful links and resources via our HPE Day Padlet here >>