2024 Teaching Secondary PE Game Sense Workshop

Get ready to level up your teaching skills at the ACHPER Victoria Secondary Game Sense Teaching Workshop. Designed for Secondary 7-10 PE teachers, this one-day event introduces the Game Sense approach, fostering tactical, technical, and strategic skills within a game context. Our expert facilitators guide you through interactive sessions, covering game categories, sequencing, assessing, and teaching critical movement and sports-specific skills.


This workshop introduces the exciting concept of the Game Sense approach to teaching, which focuses on the development of tactical, technical, and strategic skills within a game context that can be transferred to similar themed sports. This approach will revolutionise the way you teach PE, making it more engaging, interactive, and effective for your students.

Our expert facilitators will guide you through a series of interactive sessions during this one-day workshop to learn about the Game Sense approach to teaching, its game categories, sequencing, assessing, and teaching critical movement and sports-specific skills, giving you the tools to create a comprehensive and well-rounded PE program. By developing tactical and strategic thinkers, you will empower your students to think critically, make informed decisions, and excel in any game they play.

During the workshop, you will explore different game categories and participate in practical activities that will allow you to experience Game Sense teaching first hand. Through these immersive experiences, you will understand how to effectively implement this teaching approach in your own classroom and department.

In addition, we will focus on developing your questioning skills and identifying teachable moments, enabling you to provide targeted and impactful feedback to your students. Begin to discover assessment ideas that will help you evaluate your student's progress and provide them with meaningful feedback that promotes growth and development.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your teaching to new heights. Join us at the ACHPER Victoria Secondary Game Sense Teaching Workshop and become a game-changer in the world of PE. Register now and unlock the potential of game sense teaching in your classroom!

Presenters: ACHPER Victoria

Venue:  La Trobe Sports Stadium, Bundoora

Registration Fee:  ACHPER members: $288  | Non-members: $360  | Students: $99 *

* You must be an ACHPER Victoria Student Member to receive this pricing. Become a Student Member Today Click Here. Ensure you complete the activation of your membership for student pricing to be applied. For further information call the office on 9274 8900.

Registration includes:

  • Catering - morning tea and lunch
  • Resources and support materials

Registration is subject to ACHPER Victoria's Terms and Conditions available here

To complete your registration make sure you click on the "Proceed to Checkout "button and the "Submit Order" button to complete the process and receive a confirmation of registration email.

22/03/2024 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
AUS Eastern Daylight Time
La Trobe Sports Stadium Sports Drive La Trobe University, VIC 3086

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