Latest News

Congratulations to ACHPER Victoria’s 2023 Award recipients

Our passionate and dedicated community came together to celebrate those who have made significant contributions to HPE at our “Elevating Achievement” 2023 ACHPER Victoria awards night.

Curriculum updates for HPE F-10 and VCE (HHD, PE and OES) | Term 2, 2024

Please read on for an update from Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) about some important pieces of work that have been completed/ongoing across HPE both F-10 and VCE.

Unleash adventure at Gilwell Park Adventure Centre

Spanning 460 acres of pristine bushland and nestled amid the Dandenong Ranges, everyone is invited to experience the unparalleled benefits of learning and adventure at Gilwell Park.

Upcoming Events

HPE Masterclass: Supercharging Student Engagement31/07/2024Unlock the secrets to igniting passion and participation in your HPE classroom with our exclusive Masterclass on supercharging student engagement. Designed specifically for F-10 HPE teacher seeking to revitalise their teaching approach. This session will delve into innovative strategies and proven techniques for creating dynamic learning environments that captivate and inspire students. Led by ACHPER Victoria’s Professional Excellence Team, Sean de Morton and Andy Hair, this webinar will explore a range of practical methods for fostering active participation, promoting meaningful interactions, and enhancing student motivation.  Whether you're a seasoned educator looking to refresh your approach or a new teacher eager to energize your lesson, this webinar offers invaluable insights and actionable strategies to elevate your teaching game. Join us and unleash the power of student engagement in your educational journey.
Masterclass:Re-examining the 4-Game Classification Framework01/08/2024For a while now HPE has been somewhat fixated on the 4-Game classification frame as a basis for models- and games-based approaches (territory (invasion); net/wall; striking/fielding; target games). Consequently, teachers can find themselves teaching competitive tactics in net-wall games to learners who may not be that interested and likely won't use them outside of PE. The way people participate in sport globally has been changing for some time, COVID has accelerated that change and HPE needs to catch up.
HPE Masterclass: Assessment Strategies for Success in PE07/08/2024Join us for an insightful Masterclass tailored for Health & Physical Education Teachers seeking to enhance their assessment practices. In this session, current HPE Teachers James Will and Chole Dew will delve into proven strategies and tools designed to streamline assessment processes and maximise student learning outcomes. Whether you’re a seasoned educator or new to the game, this Masterclass promises to provide insights and practical takeaways to enhance your assessment toolkit and empower your teaching journey.