A couple of important VCAA updates for VCE HHD and OES teachers

We have received the following important VCE HPE updates from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) regarding revisions and amendments to VCE Health and Human Development (HHD) and VCE Outdoor and Environmental Studies (OES).

Please read on as we share the latest with you:

VCE Health and Human Development (WHO Priorities (2019-2025) update – Revised Supplementary document)

In 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) approved the extension of the Thirteenth General Programme of Work (GPW 13) from 2023 to 2025, to cover the priorities and work of the WHO for 2024 and 2025.

In 2024, the final year of this accredited period of VCE HHD, students will continue to study the WHO through the below key knowledge and key skill in U4 AOS 2.

  • (Key knowledge) priorities and work of the WHO
  • (Key skill) explain the priorities and the work of the WHO and discuss how the WHO priorities are reflected in different scenarios.

This document (also located in the same place as per previous WHO document on the VCE HHD study page), outlines the changes to the WHO priorities, which are minor. Given these changes from the WHO also cover 2025 and the retention of this content in the revised study to be implemented in 2025, it has been decided to adopt these changes for VCE HHD in 2024.

In brief:

  • the three core priorities (linked to the triple-billion targets) of the WHO have been retained, however, they have been provided with identifying labels ‘provide, protect and promote’ health
  • there are two new strategic priorities labelled ‘power health’ and ‘perform for health’. These priorities largely encompass content previously studied regarding the work of the WHO. Therefore, this is not new content, instead the change provides labels and summative terminology regarding the work of the WHO.

Finally, the revised study to be implemented in 2025 will be available early in the new year (along with VCE PE revised study), and the PL program will commence in Term 2. More information to follow early in 2024.

VCE Outdoor and Environmental Studies – Amendment to U3 AOS 2

The following Key Knowledge point in U3 AOS 2 of the revised VCE OES to be implemented in 2024, is being amended to explicitly include Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAP)’s within the scope of studying Indigenous peoples’ custodianship of outdoor environments

  • Indigenous peoples’ custodianship of outdoor environments including the formation of Land and Water Councils and Registered Aboriginal Party (RAP)

This amendment provides greater clarity of the initial intended scope of the study of Indigenous peoples’ custodianship. Therefore, if an area being studied does not have a recognised Registered Aboriginal Party (RAP) or a Land and Water Council, teachers are still required to teach the role of these groups, and how the establishment of a Land and Water Council or a Registered Aboriginal Party (RAP) may influence your chosen outdoor environment into the future.

This change was first flagged at a recent professional learning session delivered in conjunction with Parks Victoria (recording available soon).

This minor change to U3 AOS 2 Study Design has now been made and the updated Study Design is available on the VCE OES Study Design page.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about the above material.