2020 VCE® Trial Exams and SACs resource news

In ACHPER Victoria VCE® resource-related news...

Trial Exams

Unit 1 VCE® Trial exams were released at the start of May.  Our Units 3 & 4 Trial Exams are currently being edited to align to updated study designs for 2020, and our Unit 2 Trial Exams are on track for a July release, with no study design changes required. Now is the time to pre-order and be notified as soon as they are ready to download.

Our Trial Exams are unique each year and are designed to help familiarise teachers and students with the Victorian Assessment and Curriculum Authority (VCAA) exam format (reproduced with VCAA permission). Teachers can use these resources as:

  • Revision for students
  • A stand-alone assessment tool, and / or; 
  • To develop exam preparation skills

To order online click here, or download and complete this form and mail it back to us.

School-assessed Coursework (SACs)

If you have placed an order for 2020 Physical Education, Health and Human Development and Outdoor and Environmental Studies SACs, we are happy to announce all but one (HHD Unit 2) are now uploaded in word format to our website.

A ‘must have’ resource for VCE® PE, HHD and OES teachers, our sample SACs resources provide a range of tasks for supporting teaching and learning, and student assessment. All sample SACs are based on current VCAA Study Designs, and are developed by teams of leading teachers engaged in respective subjects and undergo quality control reviews.

In addition, we have reduced the price of 2020 Unit 4 Sample SAC resources by 25% following the release of Adjusted Study Designs for 2020 as we are unable to provide adjusted or alternative tasks. 2020 Units 3 and 4 Trial Exams will be adjusted to ensure they align to the Adjusted Study Designs and Exam Specifications for 2020.

If you are yet to place an order for SACs click here to order online, or download and complete this form and mail it back to us.

PLEASE NOTE: Teachers are reminded of the following directive from the VCAA when using these Sample SACs: “Where commercially produced tasks are being used for school-based assessment, it is the responsibility of the school to ensure the tasks meet the requirements of the study design and that modifications are made for authentication purposes.” (VCE Administrative handbook [Page 74, Section 1.3]).

VCE teachers are also reminded to check VCAA VCE Study Designs pages for PE, HHD and OES for information and advice regarding updated study designs and school based assessment tasks for 2020.

Feel free to pass any of this information on to other staff who may find these resources valuable, and let us know if you need any advice, further information or just want to check your order. Important to note, we do not provide Trial Exams to individuals not currently teaching at a school.

We're here to support you. Check our VCE® Resources page to check out past and current templates and tools to help you deliver quality HPE. For further support, please contact us.