HPE at Home Resources

In response to the current and emerging circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 virus, ACHPER Victoria is working hard to ensure we can continue to support your professional learning and teaching needs through online learning and digital resources.

This is a central place to help you easily access all ACHPER Victoria HPE at Home resources released to date. Keep checking in over the coming weeks as we will be continuously updating this page as more resources are added.

Teaching Resources:

Our HPE Teaching Resource packs have been developed to support teachers delivering HPE remotely. Choose from the following packs which include activities with learning intentions, success criteria, links to sample activities including images and video links, as well as curriculum links for each skill/activity.

NOTE: Members must be logged in before adding to cart to receive member prices.

Secondary HPE Teaching Resource Pack 01
Resource designed to support Secondary teachers in delivering at-home HPE. Includes Levels 7 & 8 Fitness Components, Levels 9 & 10 Fitness Assessment, Levels 7-10 Movement Composition.
Regular price: 45.00
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Primary HPE Teaching Resource Pack 02
The second in a series of HPE remote teaching resources featuring activities for home learning including skipping, locomotion, striking, athletics and FMS object control.
Regular price: 45.00
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Primary HPE Teaching Resource Pack 01
Resource designed to support teachers in implementing at-home HPE. Includes Primary teaching activities relating to Kicking, Throwing and Catching, Gymnastics, Health-related Fitness and Target Games.
Regular price: 45.00
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Click on sections below for more HPE at Home resources >> 

  • Tip of the Week HPE:

    We’ve dedicated the following Tips of the Week HPE (TOTW) to provide guidance and information for HPE teachers to help prepare for and initiate teaching at home under COVID-19:

    • COVID-19 Special Edition: Planning at-home HPE lessons – practical ideas and activities to help get the ball rolling for teachers to facilitate students learning HPE from home.
    • TOTW 89: Teaching HPE at home – shares teaching HPE at home resources and activities collated for teachers to access, use or adapt for use in their setting.
    • TOTW 90: Physical Education: Planning for remote learning – focuses on planning considerations for your students, with practical ideas and suggestions to help you on your way.
    • TOTW 91: F-10 at Home: teaching and assessment – teaching and assessment support for F-10 teachers to help continue to meet the needs of students.
    • TOTW 92: VCE at Home: teaching and assessment – strategies and ideas around VCE teaching and assessment, school policies and practices, remote learning and school-based assessment tasks.
    • TOTW 93: Developing health and wellbeing from home – highlights curriculum opportunities related to informal participation and health content that can be readily taught through at-home teaching.
    • TOTW 94: Reflecting on six weeks teaching at home – encourages teachers to take a step back and reflect on the many challenges they have faced and overcome in the past six or more weeks.
    • TOTW 95: What is influencing your expectations? – helps teachers consider the expectations we have for ourselves, our students and their families in delivering PE during these challenging times.
    • TOTW 96: Returning to school – considers what moving back to school may look like for us and our students.
    • TOTW 97: Interpreting DET requirements for PE – expands on DET advice regarding returning to onsite learning and how this will affect PE classes, with potential considerations which meet health and safety guidelines.
    • TOTW 98: Physical activity – teacher and student health and wellbeing – ideas on how to use physical activity to help maintain student and teacher health and wellbeing.
    • TOTW 113: Returning to school in Term 4 – expands on advice from Department of Education and Training (DET) and includes potential options and considerations which meet the DET’s 'Schools Operation Guide for Term 4'.

    To download all tips in the series released to date, please click here >>

  • Google Drive resource library:
    'ACHPER Victoria HPE at Home Ideas' Google Drive link here >>

    We have divided the resources into Primary and Secondary, although there will be some overlap depending on the skills and knowledge of your students. Within each of these folders we have further divided ideas into different content sub-folders.

    Thank you to the many teachers who have provided us with so much information for teachers to use. We are counting on teachers to continue to provide resources they develop, source for themselves or modify those provided.

    Any additional resources for uploading should be sent to [email protected]. We have done our best to review and ensure the quality of resources shared, and are confident you should be able to modify many of them to suit the needs of your students. Please contact Bernie via email or on 0411 268 902 if you have any questions about the resources.

  • Video resource links:

    14/07/2020 - Facebook Live Q+A session with ACHPER Victoria PL Coordinator Dr Trent Brown discussing resources and planning ideas for remote learning 2.0.

    View FB Live via our Facebook page >>

    ACHPER Victoria Professional Coordinator Dr Trent Brown talks through resources and templates available to help support teaching Levels 5 and 6 FMS and Movement Concept learning at home (easily adapted to suit Levels 7 and 8).

    Access resources and templates Trent mentions in the video here >>

    Federation University's Josh Ambrosy providing ideas and advice around facilitating outdoor experiences with the current challenges in running excursions and at-home lessons under COVID-19.

    Visit our YouTube channel >>

    Everyone is receiving lots of ideas at the moment, with a lot of focus on getting kids active and moving. Whilst maintaining recommended levels of physical activity is crucially important, it is also essential that we don't forget the educative value of HPE and are ensuring all activities link to the Victorian HPE curriculum.

    Visit our YouTube channel >>

    PE teacher at St Michael’s Grammar and ACHPER Victoria presenter and Schools Portfolio member, Daniel Zito shares his thoughts on getting started with teaching PE remotely and how to keep it simple yet focused on what is important for your students to learn.

    Visit our YouTube channel >>

    ACHPER Victoria's PL Manager Bernie Holland came across a simple and fun obstacle course drawn on the footpath while walking in his neighbourhood recently... an awesome way to keep students active whilst developing FMS at home! What FMS components can your students focus on while being active outside?

    Visit our YouTube channel >>

    19/05/2020 - Facebook Live with ACHPER Victoria PL Coordinator Adriana discussing upcoming resources and answering all your questions about teaching HPE at home.

    View FB Live via our Facebook page >>

Educate as you Activate

IMPORTANT: We're aware everyone is receiving lots of ideas at the moment, with a lot of focus on getting kids active and moving. Whilst maintaining recommended levels of physical activity is crucially important, it is also essential that we don't forget the educative value of HPE and are ensuring all activities link to the Victorian HPE curriculum.

NEW eLearn courses

Expand your professional learning opportunities with our new online courses which are convenient, self-paced and flexible. With ongoing external pressures, time constraints and travel to face to face learning opportunities not feasible, take advantage of our online delivery mode to build your professional development hours without leaving your home or workspace.

Enjoy a unique facilitated learning experience with access to expert knowledge, ongoing support and engagement from ACHPER Victoria’s Professional Learning team. Our eLearn suite is FREE for ACHPER Victoria members.

Click here to learn more about our eLearn courses >>

Not yet a member? Now is the time!

If you are not yet a member of ACHPER or your membership has lapsed, now is a great time to consider joining or renewing with your professional association.

Membership is $140 annually and entitles you to free resources valued at more than $165. Membership also entitles you to discounts and resources which are continuously being added to our suite of member benefits.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with further questions or advice about delivering quality HPE in these unprecedented times. We’re here to help!